Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Merry!

Just a couple of days out, and we're celebrating fact, the whole rest of the week aside from some needed house cleaning maintenance will be done!

Did you finish all you wanted or needed or should or would or might or CAN do this year? It's a tough year for many, but focusing on the Lord and His blessings takes the stress out of what is in His control that we WANT to how much we give, how things look...all that STUFF stuff~

God is God.

God is Creator.

God is Savior.

God is Lord.

Awesome to think on Him this season...and yeah, it has little to do with RED except for His blood~the work of His suffering on the cross of Calvary and redemption for mankind~GREEN, that favorite color of God's in much of His living earthly creation! Just think~we might have been GREE TOO as we are very much alive except that it's His breath of life that created us as living souls separating us from the rest of His work!

RED/GREEN~Certainly Christmas colors~and ones to remind us of our heavenly Father~the God of Heaven who sent His Son, Jesus Christ born in a manger in Bethlehem. 

Wishing you a Merry Christ~mas!
O Worship the King,,,all glorious above!


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