It's soon to be summer, and many families will be vacationing this time of year. Are you planning a trip or excursion? I was thinking that in this economy that WORK still creates a very "dull" boy (AND MOM) sooo getting away can be as important as ever before!
Where ya going?
Pick the destination is important AS FAR in advance as possible. For travelers, tickets are generally cheaper if advanced purchased...but many of us can't quite decide if we want to lock ourselves into a PLACE, DATE and TIME sooo far into the future~ but there are other things that picking and chosing a head of time will do for us.
Go a head and dream up some places you'd like to go. FAR or near, having an idea is good because then we can get some info on the area, attractions, and accomodations. I mean, think this way, if you love love love, let's say...Disney...then going in the hottest time of year~May-Nov IMHO (because FL is still HOT these months) might not suit you, but in Dec or Jan if the heat is an issue...what else is there so you can decide if you want to see it too? When we travel, we will think up other places and plans so that we get more for our travel dollar. Last year hub had a national convention he attended in a large city and we made some stops to other places nearby that otherwise we wouldn't have gotten near in a typical year...and it saved us gas and time...but you can do this same thing in a vacation. Traveling by car does make this a bit easier, but in flying, you can still plan with your rental car at your flight's destination. You can order travel brochures, and I like to pick them up as we travel. We live one mile off of a major interstate, and because all up and down all businesses have the travel brochures of WHAT TO SEE AND DO kinds, I always look them over on both ends of our state. Doing this gives me ideas of what is there and what sparks our interest.
A STAYCATION is that trendy new term for a close to home day trip kind of thing. When I was a kid, it was called "taking a ride" or "going for a ride to see what we can see." My parents were masters at this, and believe it or not, my favorite travel ride was down a road called "Stagecoach Road." It was AT THE TIME, a two line bath through the woods that I imagined covered wagons traveling and carriages of years a fore me...I love trees and nature too so peering into the woods as we had to go so gingerly because it wasn't well maintained, but Oh the adventure!
Nature trails can do the same thing for a hike which can often be found in state parks. Hub, kids and I have really just a few times, but LOVED going camping close to home but getting away from all the stress of life. Sometimes just looking at something different for a night or two CAN really help in the long run. I like to camp in fall and early spring. In some parts of the country, I've camped in dead of winter and even over Christmas. Imagine Santa arriving in a camper or campground? Folks in the state parks are friendly and it's a nice place to unwind.
Sunday drives used to be quite common but with gas prices it's a difficulty, but we can budget for these if we aren't traveling. Take an hour or two and really SEE your community. Ride slow and LOOK at what is around you...I often ride through our small town just to see what is going on around me, and to look at what folks are doing to their houses. I look at renovations and paint schemes, and even landscaping. Since nothing really is new, I like to get ideas of what appeals to me. Something to see...and I like going and sitting in a park too. When the kids were littles I'd take their bikes and turn them loose. It was fun to see them with other kids and playing so hard. Hearing birds sing and feeling the gentle wind is soo relaxing. Nature has her own scent too!
OK, so if getting out and about or around isn't your thing, I suggest personal home spa times. Head over and soak the feet, pedicure time! Read a book or lounge on the yard to relax. AND if this didn't work, hit the couch! A cool glass of tea and a good pillow work too~
Just remember that Vacation time is a time to either go or stay, but R&R are essential!
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