Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The month for LOVE is on its way and quick! Are you prepared? The estimate for card giving is in the billions.  I saw a quote that men will spend  more on this holiday than any other~great news for the florist, but what about our budgets? Don't we want to keep spending in line and give too?  I love giving~it's fun to show love and care! So what am I going to do this year for my family to show them how much I care?

I want to take care of our money first by living as frugal as possible.  This could be the sweetest gift for a spouse~the lack of financial worries~but to do something tangible...

Ask yourself what does he or she love or enjoy?
What hobbies or things do they like? 
What can we afford to do?

Here's some ideas:
  • A home made special dinner for two (OK~the kids might want to help with this, so let them fix it!)
  • Hunt coupons for favorite items or foods~restaurant coupons are useful too.
  • Instead of cut flowers, how about a plant?
  • Bath products~coupons again or these can be home made... (Eppson salts is nice.)  
  • Hand made cards or other goodies~my hubby loves peanut butter cookies...here's an idea! ;-))
  • A special trip to somewhere like a quiet place to sit and talk where there ARE NO kids for just two~a cup of tea or coffee with desert (coupons again and if not available, this is less than a whole meal.)
  • Go for a walk or ride together~just the two of us to talk and reconnect.  Sometimes a trip around the block does wonders!
  • Is there an item that is wanted for the home~LIKE FRUIT TREES and BLUEBERRY BUSHES (HINT HINT!!) that can be gotten for the spouse.  I can't tell you how many times my hubby has given me something for the home that IF he had not done, I'd still be waiting~so with this method I get these done FASTER and sometimes BETTER!
  • Give some music~does he/she have a fave that they would enjoy in their collection?
  • Gift of service~I LOVE my truck detailed~love it! Love it! Love it! 
  • Foot rubs, back massages, and manicures and pedicures hit the list for great ideas!
  • A tool for garage projecting~does he have a hobby that he loves? Now it might not be tools related, but something like music or plastic model construction, but whatever it is, can you give something he would use?
  • Slip a note onto his/her pillow so they get to read your LUV thoughts before slumber!  You can put this into a lunch bag too or in the car on the rearview mirror...how about the wind shield? Won't  e missed there!
  • How about something warm and snuggly like an afghan or throw or quilt for watching TV or computing? NOW is the time if it's going to be hand made! If not, start shopping the sales~

WHAT are you thinking of for Valentine's Day for your family?
I'm thinking NOW so it will be loving on the 15th as well as the 14th!

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