Folks we have a huge celebration in our lives!!! TODAY, October 25,2010 hub and I made our VERY LAST consumer credit DEBT repayment PAYMENT to our very last creditor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN I get an AMEN!!!!!
You see, it has been FOUR and A HALF loooooooooong years of making payments to our dept management organization (non profit consumer credit counseling group) who have faithfully made each payment for us ON TIME and who were able to negotiate our rates down from 29% interest to a modest 6% on our OVER 30K credit card bills~We had gotten NOWHERESVILLE on trying to get our creditors to lower rates prior to moving into credit counseling. We were never behind, but with job changes and reductions that interest alone was eating us alive making it near impossible for us to survive much less THRIVE!
I am soo thankful~and hence why I've been blogging here at Thriving to encourage us both to really take a hard look at our lifestyles and our money. Money management is an art and skill that can be uncomfortable, but tackling it head on can glean HUGE benefits!!
Remember, SisterT never earned a paycheck while we have been repaying our debt (or accumulating it for that matter!) I learned HOW TO MAKE MY $$ become income by saving on our living expenses~by making what we have gooooooooooo a whole lot farther! This challenge has become a hobby. It's really fun once the mindset is established of what "ENOUGH" is in our lives. I had to adjust that thinking in order to change my behavior. Simple? NO. But it was do-able. With a willingness and desire, I found all kinds of creative ways to make my dollars stretch farther.
While I've not had to get a job to pay back our debt, I did have to not only change my thinking and become willing, I had to become educated about values on things. Some stuff is just that~stuff...and seconds after I hauled it out of the store or off the lot in the instance of a vehicle, values changed. OKay,,,soo NOW we are celebrating!! Will you take the debt management challenge and get your financial house in order?? I know these are tough times, but it will be soo worth it when you can become debt free and begin to build wealth for your future!
Read Tackle Tips for Debt Busting (1-6) so you can begin TODAY!
Don't wait~the future is coming...each tomorrow!
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Congratulations! We have been on this road for awhile but are finally getting serious about it! I can't wait to be where you are. Awesome!
WoooHooo!!!! Now that is something to be thankful for!! I am so happy for you.
That is just great! I'm sure your shoulders are relaxed and back down away from your ears now that the huge burden is GONE! What a hard-earned accomplishment! We were in a similar boat once and no longer use credit cards. Best thing we ever did. Blessings and thanks for the visit today!
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